Monday, July 28, 2008

Horses Run Wild and Free...

The Horses ran wild and Free
I watched their manes
flying through
the whispering Wind
like strands in slow motion
Beautifully woven
in Natures gentle echo
of Spirit...

Wild Horses run wild and Free
Wild Horses run wild for me
for I used to be
a part of you
in my youth.

Written by Rhiannon (Barbara R.) Dec. 2006
Copyrights owned by Barbara R.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The only drawing I've done in the last year..

Sorry the scan image didn't turn out very well...kind of fuzzy...I'm using someone else'e pc so not sure about how their scanner system works. I don't draw as well as I used to...It's been a very rough year but I've made it this far! I was homeless for a while...and living in poverty and ill health will take some energy from one...I remember my hands shook just drawing was hard but I was determined at the time to try..I hope as time goes on and my life improves (and it is slowly) so will my drawings also......but one day at a time..I'm on a housing list with the county..wish me luck I get a place soon..Blessings, Rhi.

Monday, July 21, 2008

smart fortwo dream car..

This smart fortwo color selector has been my dream car for a while..when you get to the site click on the yellow in the color wheel..I call it my "Banana boat dream car". they have great mileage, 40 to 45 miles on the highways, and very low carbon emissions via a converter system cleaning it all the time. I saw it in time magazine a few months ago and cut out the page. They are very safe and the front, top and sides are built of very strong steel material. They used water based paints for the color of the car. Read all about it! They have been driving these cars in Europe for many many years now..wish our country had been as smart!

They are available in the U.S. They are going to try to make them electrical cars if enough Americans buy them..they sell for $12,000 now but if more Americans purchase them then the price will go down even lower. This is my plan to hopefully drive a very small car in the future and to save on gas and help the environment by driving much less, as I drive much less than most people do already. The gas is just too expensive for me. I drive around on an empty tank a lot far so good! My old small American car is slowly dying and that's my dream plan..either that or I will be doing a lot of walking..

I imagine in my mind many people driving these cars, all around town and on the freeway in this country and we all honk at one another saying "hey let's save on energy and do our part"!...then they will transfer all our new cars over to electrical for free! Well that would be nice woudn't it? never know..:o).

Saturday, July 19, 2008

YouTube - Eminem - When I'm Gone

YouTube - Eminem - When I'm Gone

YouTube - Real Life - Send Me An Angel (1983)

Oh Gosh! I always loved this song..the words are very my "send me an angel" post below this post.

YouTube - Real Life - Send Me An Angel (1983)

Send me an Angel...

Angel Artwork by William Adolphe Bouquereau

Send me an angel...with wings like a dove...flowing from heaven alight in pure love..send me angel, so pure and so sweet, send me an angel, so I can believe, send me an angel, spreading love at my feet, send me an angel, to guard me at night, send me an angel, to show me the light, send me an angel to show me the way, send me an angel, so I won't go astray...send me an angel to keep me grounded and steady, send me an angel, for my spirit is open and ready.

"Angel affirmation" written by Rhiannon July 18th, 2008 (Barbara) copyrights owned by Barbara

Thursday, July 17, 2008

YouTube - Ocean Gipsy - Lyrics

I always loved this song...this video is rather beautifully creative..

YouTube - Ocean Gypsy - Lyrics

YouTube - Lorenna McKennitt Dante's Prayer

I hope you will take the time to hear one of the most beautiful heartfelt songs I've ever heard in my will make your heart and spirit feel very calm and "still" with a sense of peace.

YouTube - Lorenna McKennitt Dante's Prayer

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Seeking The Path For All My Sisters & Brothers.

Seeking The Path For All My Sisters & Brothers

The paths I've had to keep walking upon
keep veering in the wrong direction
and the long road
has been filled with rejection

as I continue
to face my fears
and my doubts....
yet still it seems
I continue to believe
in my Dreams!
a true test of my Soul
never completely giving up
when all seems lost
and much has been stole...

My heart though wounded
still has feelings of Love
and understanding
for others
the Souls of all
my Sisters and Brothers
who struggle so
to find
and the path
of Joy
and Safety
and a peaceful
Heart and Mind
to feel whole
once again...

who to Trust?
when our Souls will mend?
when our Hearts will open?
when our pain will end?
and when
will joy begin?
and when
will apathy
no longer win?

Believe in Miracles
Believe in all our Dreams
to happen
for us all
to walk upon
the path of Joy
and a Peaceful Heart
and mind
for all my Sisters and Brothers
and for all the Souls
of Mankind...

"Change" is coming...
don't give up!
Help, Hope and our "Dreams"
are on their way!
Just the fact
that I'm still here
and writing this
that I'm still alive
and sharing this with you
is a true Miracle in itself!


*Written by Rhiannon (Barbara R.) February 2008* Copyrights owned by Barbara R.

*note* I'm sorry but I am unable to download any of my artwork or pics to attach to my poems like I used to....due to using someone else's pc when I post on my blog..maybe down the road a bit I will be able to have my own pc and add more pics and artwork,etc..

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


An underground revolution is sweeping the hearts and minds of the people of the world, and it is happening despite the wars and terror that confront us. This revolution is a fundamental change of worldview, and it carries with it the potential to reorganize the structure of human civilization. It brings a basic shift in the thoughts that dominate the world. It wages a peace that will end all war. It is a global phenomenon that will change the cellular structure of the human race. To those who are part of it, who feel called to it, its reality is a growing if not obvious truth. To still others, it's a lofty but ridiculous notion, a preposterous and silly idea.

Yet no social revolution of any import emerged because everybody woke up one day saying, "I get it! I get it!" Such revolutions emerged instead from what anthropologist Margaret Mead described as "a small group of concerned citizens". Not only are such groups capable of changing the world, according to Mead, but in fact, they're the only thing that ever has. And they are doing it now.

A spiritually attuned counter culture is already in our minds. It is marked not by clothes or music, drugs or sex, as was the counterculture of the sixties, but by the internal attitudes of those who perceive it. They make suggestions and comments that are just a little bit wiser; they bring new insights into areas previously looked down by the status quo. They see some star in the sky that not everyone is seeing. And in their presence, we start to see it too.

From the book "The Gift Of Change" by Marianne Williamson.