Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A thought about Whiplash.........

Some people can give you emotional whiplash.
It's so jarring to have your soul slammed against a wall so shut down.
Time to snap out of it!...

"Deep thougths" by Rhiannon...:-)


Carolyn said...

My mother gives me whiplash, lol! I like your deep thoughts Rhia :)

Lazy Daisy said...

Great word picture. Well done! Kathy

Rhiannon said...

Mine used to all the time too Carolyn..not anymore though..yes "deep thoughts" kind of like on SNL!..lol. Actually I have no clue why this came out from hand to pen but I just wrote it down and thought it made sense to me...in relation to someone I'm having to deal with in life right now.

Thank you Kathy and its good to see a friendly band member drop by..thanks

Blessings to both,

David Edward said...

I think I have been hit more than once by this phenomenon, thank you for naming it, Im the new basson player

Rhiannon said...

Welcome to the band David!..thanks for dropping by.."toot toot"..lol..:o)
