Saturday, August 11, 2018

MUST SEE:My mother screamed at me on the phone that Trump was "God's choice" I said no he isn't..she started telling me I am going to hell if I didn't vote for him...this was right before the election. I never wanted to discuss politics with them...they just chose to harass me with verbal threats via e-mail and hand written letters snail mail. It makes me sick...Trump is seriously mentally ill...I know that I seee it, people that don't have serious issues but I don't tell them what to do or think or say....but they love telling me what to family is so hard as it is being completely alone it is probably saving my life not to be around them... I grew up in this kind of radical religous environment...I had to listen and be lectured about this by my mother and "her church"...seh voted for Trump so did the rest of my family..I am the only one that didn't vote for him and they hate me for it...they still threaten me via e-mail and long rambling letters telling me I am going to hell...I thank God my Father has passed...he and I together could maybe stopped this insanity in my family...but wtih just me far away from where they all live I have tried but had to let them go...but having to watch and observe Trump and all of my "Warnings" to my family who trashed me lashed out at me for saying this is EXACTLY what would happen if Trump won! sigh...heartbreaking...but thankful I am more like my father then the rest of my family...I am the black sheep...of "Truth"...Christian Lunatics Reveal God's Message About Donald Trump

1 comment:

goatman said...

It constantly amazes me how some (many apparently) can respect a cheating, lying, egoist who is only for the rich. Hatred and division sway our country.

Nice to hear from you. Hope you are well.