Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Dad will be at peace soon

They have taken my Dad off the feeding tube and the ventilator. Now, it's just a matter of time.  I was able to talk to him on the phone, tell him I love him, he me, though I'm not sure if he understood, something tells me he did.  It was our last good-byes a week or so ago. My older sister has been keeping me updated. I was concerned for her she was trying to take care of it all every single day. So, finally she went "numb", I  told her she is in shock and her body is telling her to rest, as hard as that may be for her right now, she must.  My mother and I talk on the phone about every night. I've been doing the best I can from afar to give them all the support and info I can on Medicare business etc..  So now they have a social worker working with my older sister "Karen" and my mother. The social worker is helping reduce the load on my sister. 

My Dad made a living will a while back so all is being taken care of per his wishes. I am trying to keep my younger sister from making any more troubles during this sad time. She had kept calling them yelling at my mother and older sister telling them off. She is so selfish. So now her daughter is handling her. This is nothing new when it comes to my younger sister. I spent two years trying to help her to learn how to be an adult. Didn't work obviously.  We are abiding by my Dad, Mother and older sister's wishes to keep my younger sister from making this anymore heartbreaking than it already is.

May you be at peace in the "light" soon Dad. No more constant pain.  

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