Thursday, October 17, 2019

Saturday, February 09, 2019

The older poem I wrote but feeling it now......let the wind blow away the hate and bigotry also...

The Wind

The wind howls
and whistles
roaring at times..
It's blowing out the cobwebs
in my mind
It's clearing out
the dust and the rust
of my heart
it's clearing and making a path
A fresh new start
for clarity....

It's cleansing the air I breathe
it's clearing out toxicity
in my mind
in my soul
It's healing my wounds
to make me whole
once again.

*Written by Rhiannon April 2006 *Copyrights owned by Rhiannon (Barbara)

Angels in the Mist..

The angels whisper and weave
their magic around our souls
we rarely see them
in their presence
of another dimensional door

of light
on the other side

whispering to our souls
trying to get our attention
trying to wake us up
from our deep sleep
of ignorance........

They are sounding trumpets
and riding white horses
through the mist
warning us of dangers
that are hidden from our view...

They are echoes of our hearts
our conscience
our ancient souls
that knew the way
long long ago...
Their calling us back
to our home
our spirits
that always knew
who we were...
long before this lifetime
in a world filled with chaos....

Written by Rhiannon*
*Copyrights owned by Rhiannon (Barbara).....

New Rule: The Republicans Are the Problem | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)